誰來取代[紐倫港 Nylonkong ] The replacement of Nylonkong


閱讀本篇之前,也許會想先看:[2020 城市與房市展望系列 III]

文 / 李祖流
譯 / I-hsuan Chen



主要結果之一,就是衍生出世界一級城市網:紐倫港 Nylonkong[紐約、倫敦、香港三座城市的合併稱謂]的全球金融城市架構。

在 2008 年時代雜誌就以紐倫港 Nylonkong 為封面故事,提出紐約、倫敦、香港為關係密切的世界一級城市,而且是屬於21世紀的世界級城市,讓這三座大城的聲勢達到最巔峰。



Over a century, accelerating and constantly global urbanization makes cities, instead of countries, the world competition protagonists.

The end result is a global first-tier city network, Nylonkong, an abbreviation of New York, London, and Hong Kong, and is also a global financial center.

The cover story of TIME in 2008 indicated the Nylonkong was the most connected first-tier city of the 21st century. The story made these three cities up to their highest fame.

Extremes meet. The 2008 Financial Crisis occurred and the noticeability of Nylonkong was submerged. 




2019 年下半年港島的失序,從城市發展角度來觀察,外界看重的是港島能否快速維持穩定,與保障各種資金的自由進出,以繼續作為國際資金安心停泊的基地。

然而 2019 年第四季關於港島富豪與外資默默轉移到星島等地的訊息甚囂塵上,不少都是真實發生的案例。

對照 1997 年英國交還港島回歸北京前後,港島每年向外移民十數萬,流出資金無數的前車之鑑,不難想像2019年港島失序後,必然再度引發大規模移民與資金外流潮。




但是對國際資金與外籍企業來說,港島 2019 年下半年的失序,已經改變港島原本適合作為國際資金停泊城市的必要條件。

港島失序如果不能快速回到正軌,加上大國以港島為角力的戰場,讓港島已失去吸引國際資金停泊的特質,從 2019 年開始重演 97 包含企業 人才 資金出走趨勢已成定局.這次的規模可能超過 97 回歸前後,衝擊時間也將超過 97 回歸。


 Trilogy of Hong Kong Crisis

One will not enter a tottering state, nor dwell in a disorganized one. This is an observation that never changes in the Chinese culture.

Looking into the second half of the Hong Kong crisis in 2019 from the city development perspective, the world would consider Hong Kong as a safe money parking base only if it could contain this crisis soon and assure all funds could be in and out freely.

A great clamor has arisen around the question of the rich and foreign capitals have being transferring their funds to Singapore in the fourth quarter in 2019 and some cases have proven to be true.

In comparison with hundreds of thousands of emigrations and capital outflow yearly after the Hong Kong reunification in 1997, the scale of emigrations and capital outflow for the Hong Kong crisis in 2019 will be even greater.

Other than its status in the global financial market, the extravagant housing market in Hong Kong will also affect the intensity of the emigrations and capital outflow.

After all many families of wealth in Hong Kong retain their assets in forms of estates. Therefore, rapid fall of housing price in Hong Kong will restrict their ability to fulfill emigration due to insufficient ability to liquidizing their assets.

In short term, the volume and price changes of the housing market in Hong Kong in 2020 will be an indicator of the emigrations and capital outflow.

As for international funds and foreign companies, the Hong Kong crisis in 2019 has changed the necessary condition for Hong Kong to be their international money parking city.

If Hong Kong cannot be back on track soon and along with other countries wrestling around Hong Kong, it has made this city loses its attribute of being a parking port for international funds. This may result in the scale and duration of exporting talents and companies even greater than it is back in 1997.

The continuous Hong Kong crisis makes it loses its status of the city of world and can even incapacitate Hong Kong.


新日不落城市聯網 獎落何方

2019 年與 2020 年交接之際,以紐倫港為主的世界一級金融城市與經濟飛地聯網的崩解正在發生,伴生的,就是嶄新的全球城市發展機會。









 The New city which suns would never set will be?

On the handover of 2019 2020, the collapsing of this world first-class financial city and this economy enclave networking effect gives cities around the world a brand-new chance to develop.

This is a great opportunity for a city to become a world first-class city and to increase its international influence which may include Taipei metro area and all the others metro areas with potential competitive criterion. 

As for the metro area with 10 million population in the North of Taiwan, the competition for getting the resources which is released from Hong Kong is inevitable among the 10 million population city of Tokyo, Singapore, Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, and ASEAN

Could the planner of the city development in the North of Taiwan react fast enough to attract all the resources and talents is the hypercritical point weather or not the city can join this competition of the century.

The offshore banking center is perfect idea for this exodus of funds and talents due to the Hong Kong crisis.

Taiwan is a place with strict restrictions when it comes to financial industry. This might just give the highly internationalized and competitive organizations, funds, and talents a place to restart through establishing the specific offshore financial center area within Taiwan. To attract tens of thousands of families with financial and professional background from Hong Kong for the premise, the planners can even expend it as a new financial city with 200 to 300 thousand of people or as a large scale international new city.

From new city development perfective, Taoyuan air city is perfect city to take into consideration in the long term. It is a great new city to be the offshore banking center with it air city feature and further increasing MRT network development.

In the short term, it can focus on enhancing the attraction and industrial competitiveness in the metro areas. The center of Taipei metro areas could first be the base of the financial industry then cope with specific financial organization investment projects, open immigration for professionals, etc., I believe Taipei will attract the exported resource from Hong Kong.

If this idea of be the port of the international funds could put into practice, Taiwan would gain another force to sustain its economy other than depend only on the technology industry. This will also bring a brand-new page of development and international inference for the Taipei metro area.


以城謀國 一帶一路可轉城市聯網再出發

對於北京來說,港島 2019 年失序的後續發展,將影響大國角力的方向。看似危機,實藏轉機。

1997 年時的港島,絕對是大中華面對世界的經濟與金融門戶。如今則不具備這樣的條件,從最新的珠江三角洲城市發展藍圖,就能嗅出這股味道。



Using city network to restart of the Belt and Road

The follow-up development of the Hong Kong crisis in 2019 may seem to be a crisis, however, it could actually be an opportunity for Beijing.

Hong Kong in 1997 was definitely the economy and financial portal for Chinese to the world. However, it no longer holds its position and it can be identified from the latest city development blue print of Pearl River Delta.

Making Hong Kong the chip for bargain is not the price Beijing could not bear.
Today the Belt and Road, this idea of across Europe-Asia-Africa might still be doable due to the possibility of disintegrating of Nylonkong.