挑戰時代雜誌封面故事主角 Dare the cover story of TIME


文 / 李祖流
譯 / I-hsuan Chen




主要結果之一,就是衍生出世界一級城市網:紐倫港Nylonkong (紐約、倫敦、香港三座城市的合併稱謂) 的全球金融城市架構。

在 2008 年時代雜誌就以紐倫港 Nylonkong 為封面故事,提出紐約、倫敦、香港為關係密切的世界一級城市,而且是屬於21世紀的世界級城市,讓這三座大城的聲勢達到最巔峰。

也許是歷史詛咒,物極必反的定律再次出現,同年出現金融海嘯,淹沒時代雜誌以紐倫港 Nylonkong 為封面故事的音量。

整整十一年過去,如今的紐倫港架構,在英國脫歐與港島失序之後,預期將加速崩壞,從 2020 年起,成為包括北台灣一千萬人口都會區、上海、東京、東協幾座千萬人口都會區在內,全球重要城市新一輪爭奪資源,與登上世界一級城市排名的大好契機。


Over a century, accelerating and constantly global urbanization makes cities, instead of countries, the world competition protagonists.

The end result is a global first-tier city network, Nylonkong, an abbreviation of New York, London, and Hong Kong, and is also a global financial center.

The cover story of TIME in 2008 indicated the Nylonkong was the most connected first-tier city of the 21st century. The story made these three cities up to their highest fame.

Extremes meet. The 2008 Financial Crisis occurred and the noticeability of Nylonkong was submerged. 

11 year has passed, rapid collapse of Nylonkong is expected after Brexit and the Hong Knog crisis. Starting 2020, it is a great opportunity for the metropolitan area of 10 million of North Taiwan, Shanghai, Tokyo, and a couple of 10 million cities of ASEAN to be in the rank of global first-tier city.









Enclave economy effects of Nylonkong

The fact is that the establishment of the world first-tier city network, Nylonkong, is not the make of one single city.

Nylonkong, a city across Euro-North America-Asia continents, is complement one another in different time zones and creates a global economy enclave-chain.

Tokyo once arouses general interest in the making of this global economy enclave-chain. After the rise of Greater China Economic Circle, Tokyo abdicate its position in the global first-tier city to Hong Kong due to its inferior to culture and financial system.

In the meantime, the development of this tri-city Nylonkong grows closer which makes it grows apart from cities surround them. To be more precise, some areas in the tri-city of Nylonknog have higher synchronicities in culture and economy than those areas within its own city.

The areas with highest enclave effects are the core of the world first-tier city network, Nylonkong. The new world-class city in the future must be the area with such property and will become the most influential and essential area in the city.

An enclave could be exclave or enclave. Enclave is perfectly description of Nylonkong when it comes to its global economy position of across time zones and difference spaces. 


美元的未來 紐約的挑戰    





The future of US dollar. The challenge of New York

Due to the distinct impacts of Hong Kong and London, the recession of tri-city economy effect of Nylonkong in the near future is expected and the influential status of the world financial leading city, New York, is expecting to fall off.

However, the key to rock the financial supremacy of the city of New York, or not, will be the global position of the US dollar.

It was told sarcastically that the chief export of the United States of America is Dollars and the main port of export is New York. This description fits the truth perfectly.

Now, countries, which include European Union, Russia, and China, put efforts on creating non-US dollar international trades and liquidations in order to ease the growing currency threat of the US dollar from New York.


英脫歐與蘇格蘭獨立 倫敦迎向日落    



在英倫海峽的對岸,法國財政部長勒麥爾(Bruno Le Maire)還公開表示,巴黎就可以取代倫敦,擔任歐洲的金融中心腳色。










Brexit and Scottish Independence Referendum London head for the sunset

The original set script in the recession of Nylonkong after the Financial Crisis was trembling status of London due to the train reaction of Brexit. However, the impact of the Hong Kong crisis in 2019 gets a head start.

Brexit contributes to massive layoffs in London to date. Once the commuters in the city of London be loved high-end bicycles are now going begging.

Across the English Channel, Bruno Le Maire, the head of the Ministry of Finance in France, indicates in public that Paris could substitute London as the financial center of Europe.

In fact, German and France are doing their utmost to cut London’s corner on its financial talents. These countries offer all kinds of favorable terms to allure these talents and corporations which give London and United Kingdom great profits and their global influential status to move to continental cities.

This blond wrestling battle between countries is an ultimate city-fight which never been seen for 50 years and the one who loses will pay heavily.The domino effect of the Brexit includes Scotland is independent of United Kingdom and joins the European Union to maximize its export interest.

Who could of imagining the picture of the Unite Kingdom without the Scotland bagpiper?

Is it still the United Kingdom?

For those of you who are not familiar with the history of Scottish independence, you can look into the Catalan independence movement, the significant independence examples in Europe. You may find some agreements and all the old and recent grudges among the old kingdoms throughout the history.

We may discuss this further in another chapter in the future.

Due to the dissatisfaction of the achievement of the United Kingdom, it is believed that Scotland will definitely join the European Union to sustain its economy once the independence Referendum passes.

The United Kingdom without Scotland and Brexit will definitely decrease the influential power of the city of London.

Once the capital of the sun never sets on the British Empire may finally see its sunset.


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